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New Publications and Collaborations from the LAMA Lab!


Updated: Jul 19, 2023

The members at the LAMA lab are hard at work getting papers published and partaking in ground-breaking research! Here are our 4 latest publications:

  1. How do we tell the difference between speech and song and when are we able to do that? This study tackles these questions with fun qualitative descriptions from kids and through tasks done in the lab! Check out our tweet or go straight to the source.

  2. Our first Autism paper, led by amazing Dr. Breanne Yerkes is up! This paper looks at how children with and without autism detect changes in everyday sounds. One cool takeaway: we found no differences in attention toward speech for ASD and typically developing kids. (Tweet, Source)

  3. Rhythm is an integral part of communication; it is literally the thing that moves us! Former undergrad Chu Yi Yu (Western U) led this paper, with support from our graduate student Anne, regarding the structure and role of rhythm in both music and language and what happens when this structure is disrupted. (Source)

  4. Our lab’s very own undergraduate research assistants, Meyha and Ryan, along with our PI, contributed their own speech and song recordings for a huge cross-cultural study led by Yuto Ozaki and Patrick Savage at Keio University in Japan! This study shows that all cultures studies have similar acoustic features that differentiate speech and song! (Source)

The descriptions for each of these studies barely scratch the surface of the fascinating discoveries we are helping to uncover. You’ll have to thoroughly check out all these papers to get the full story! If you want to participate in this research sign up here for developmental studies or check out our active studies here.

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Dr. Christina Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden

University of Toronto, Mississauga  

Department of Psychology, CCT Building

@2022 LAMA LAB

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